Saturday, 25 January 2014

DAY 69 - From Dawn til Dusk

We woke up at sunrise with the sound of the ocean in our ears as well as the sound of some lady living up the road telling us off for sleeping on ‘private property’ so we soon packed up the stuff and got going. We’d heard a lot about a market event (‘Space Market’) that was happening on Saturdays that we hadn’t been to yet, and since it was right in the area we decided to go there and get some breakfast before heading back to work. The Space Market turned out to be a small venue very like other markets we’d seen since being here, with people selling food, fruit, honey, coconuts, tie-dye shirts, massages, tarot readings and the like. We got some cheese sandwiches and cupcakes to eat which was a very satisfying breakfast.

At the table with us was also this lovely man and billions of kids climbing on him.
David, like a true gentleman, bought us a massage each to compensate for having made us sleep on the hard floor all night, which was a very relaxing start to the day. As Sarah was having her massage I got talking to two guys who wanted to make her acquaintance – tall Peat and tie-dye-and-jewellery-bedecked JonJon. We talked to them for a bit but were quite rushed to get back soon since we were already late for work, but made some vague promises to see them in Pahoa tonight.

The tie-dye stand.
Thankfully Stephen was very understanding of our lateness and after only a few comments about my hair and the like we got going with work. We had sort of played with the idea of going to Kona for the night for some party that David told us about, but decided against it in the end and instead started considering some ecstatic dance event at a place called ‘Hawaiian Sanctuary’ that we’d never been to before, and alternatively just going out in Pahoa. Coordinating this plan with David without a phone was going to be a problem but we just left him a message and went into Pahoa quite early to get some dinner as well. We decided not to listen to the germophobic man from the other day and went straight to good old Luiquin’s, the Mexican place we always end up at, and had some pretty beasty meat-filled meals. We then got some drinks and sent David another message from an Internet cafĂ© saying we’d wait for him at the Kava bar, which is what we then did – sitting outside of course because the bar itself didn’t serve alcohol.

There was some sort of open mic night there today and we ran into a girl we’d met after the rave last week, Robin (who is by the way the most beautiful and amazing female being on the planet – just saying) so soon we were dancing again which is how David found us. We stayed there for the remainder of the event, concluded by a man’s very beautiful piece on a hang drum, and then had to look further to where we could spend the rest of the night. We got some tequila shots at Luiquin’s and then found the ‘Lava Shack’ where some sort of live band was playing – so we were drinking, dancing and discussing some very private things for a few hours there. 

At some point of course that was over too though so we left and, of course, somehow it was suggested to go to the warm ponds again. To shake things up a bit though we decided to go to the big warm pond we’d been to way at the beginning of our trip with Joy, and it was ALSO somehow decided that it was unnecessary to get our underclothes wet when we could just take them off before going in. (Not our idea, of course, but skinny-dipping in the night just IS a rare pleasure) The big pond was a lot cooler than the small one and I spent the majority of my time there trying to find the vents in the side of the pool through which warm water came in, and then staying there hugging the rock until I was persuaded that maybe somewhere there was an even warmer spot. Eventually we were all pretty cold though so we got out and, Sarah and me sharing a towel, shuffled back to the car shivering and after having our traditional late-night shower, got to go into our warm beds finally.

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